UFC's Sean Strickland: Women Shouldn't Vote, Should Be Out of the Workforce, In the Kitchen

data-mm-id=”_61fsjilfo”>On Wednesday, the UFC hosted a press conference to promote its next UFC on ESPN event, scheduled for July 1. Sean Strickland will face Abusupiyan Magomedov in the main event Saturday night. That's not what made news during the press event, as some of Strickland's quote angered a whole lot of people. At one point the 32-year-old went on a rant about the United States and, among other things, claimed women shouldn't have been given the right to vote. He also said women should be out of the workforce and back in the kitchen, and that America should strive to be more like it was in 1942 … or maybe 1958. Just to be completely clear, Strickland was not, in any way, joking. I'm sorry to subject you to this but, I guess watch it below if you can st…